Woman smiling pink background

Vanessa Schwab

By Spiced Academy | June 22, 2023

Meet Vanessa 👋. As en exhibition curator, she realized the potential to create even more captivating and accessible experiences for visitors by leveraging interactive technologies. She decided to complete SPICED's 12-week intensive Web Development bootcamp.

Tell us a little about your professional background before the bootcamp?

Before joining the bootcamp, I had a foundation in the museum world, where I worked as an exhibition curator for several years. In this role, I developed compelling concepts for exhibitions, conducting research on various themes and collaborating with a diverse range of scientists, artists, and stakeholders. This experience honed my keen eye for detail, enabling me to create (visually) impactful exhibitions. I've always thrived in the dynamic nature of curatorial work, constantly exploring innovative approaches to present diverse content and engage audiences.

What made you want to make the switch to Web Development?

I've always had a passion for integrating innovative tech solutions into exhibitions. As a curator, I quickly realized the potential to create even more captivating and accessible experiences for visitors by leveraging interactive technologies. Motivated by this vision, I made the decision to expand my skill set and delve into the world of web development, where I could combine my expertise in curation with my fascination for technology. The bootcamp at SPICED presented the perfect opportunity for me to acquire the necessary programming languages, frameworks and tools to bring my ideas to life.

What was it about SPICED Coding Bootcamp that appealed to you?

As I researched various bootcamps, I discovered that SPICED's curriculum offered a comprehensive coverage of relevant and in-demand web development technologies and frameworks. What truly attracted me to SPICED was the opportunity to study alongside a diverse group of individuals. I firmly believe that working and collaborating with people from diverse backgrounds not only enriches the learning experience but also enhances creativity, problem-solving abilities, and collaborative skills.

How was your time at SPICED?

My time at SPICED was truly a transformative experience. It was one of the most challenging periods I've ever encountered, but at the same time, it was undoubtedly one of the best. It was a period of personal growth, technical advancement, and the formation of lifelong connections. The challenges I faced and overcame during the program have equipped me with the resilience and skills necessary to thrive in the fast-paced world of web development. I'm grateful for the opportunities, the knowledge gained, and the incredible people I had the privilege to meet during my time at SPICED.

Do you have any advice for future Spicedlings?

Trust in the process and believe in your ability to overcome obstacles. The more you push yourself outside of your comfort zone, the more you'll learn and achieve. Take full advantage of the resources and support available to you. Ask questions and actively engage with your instructors and fellow students. Collaborate with your peers, share knowledge, and learn from each other.

SPICED in 3 words?

Intense, empowering, no-coffee-cups-available :P

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